secret == $p) { // They have provided the secret key to get in if (isguest($user->id)) { error("Can't change guest password!"); } $user->emailstop = 0; // Send mail even if sending mail was forbidden if (! reset_password_and_mail($user)) { error("Could not reset password and mail the new one to you"); } reset_login_count(); print_header(get_string("passwordsent"), get_string("passwordsent"), get_string("passwordsent")); $a->email = $user->email; $a->link = "$CFG->httpswwwroot/login/change_password.php"; notice(get_string("emailpasswordsent", "", $a), $a->link); } } error(get_string("error")); } if ($frm = data_submitted()) { // Initial request for new password validate_form($frm, $err); if (count((array)$err) == 0) { if (!$user = get_complete_user_data("email", $frm->email)) { error("No such user with this address: $frm->email"); } if (empty($user->confirmed)) { error(get_string("confirmednot")); } $user->secret = random_string(15); if (!set_field("user", "secret", $user->secret, "id", $user->id)) { error("Could not set user secret string!"); } $user->emailstop = 0; // Send mail even if sending mail was forbidden if (! send_password_change_confirmation_email($user)) { error("Could not send you an email to confirm the password change"); } print_header(get_string("passwordconfirmchange"), get_string("passwordconfirmchange")); notice(get_string('emailpasswordconfirmsent', '', $user->email), "$CFG->wwwroot/"); } } if (empty($frm->email)) { if ($username = get_moodle_cookie() ) { $frm->email = get_field("user", "email", "username", "$username"); } } print_header(get_string("senddetails"), get_string("senddetails"), "wwwroot/login/index.php\">".get_string("login")." -> ".get_string("senddetails"), ""); include("forgot_password_form.html"); print_footer(); /****************************************************************************** * FUNCTIONS *****************************************************************************/ function validate_form($frm, &$err) { if (empty($frm->email)) $err->email = get_string("missingemail"); else if (! validate_email($frm->email)) $err->email = get_string("invalidemail"); else if (! record_exists("user", "email", $frm->email)) $err->email = get_string("nosuchemail"); } ?>