対象プログラム Moodle ver. 1.5 dev (rev. 9/1/2004)
内容 graphlib.php / moodlelib.php / Worksheet.php / Format.php の改変
説明 環境1:Windows 2K + Apache 1.3.31 + PHP 4.3.8 + Moodle 1.5 dev + GD2
(検証者 Takahito Kashiwagi)
環境2:WinXP Home + Apache 2 + PHP 4.3.8 cgi版 + Moodle1.5 dev + GD2
(検証者 KAGO氏)



  • GD2の日本語表示への対応。
  • メールの文字コードをiso-2202-jpに統一。
  • 日付表示の日本語表示への対応(KAGO氏)。
  • TEXT/EXCELワークシートの日本語表示、ファイル名の日本語表示への対応。
  • LESSON/QUIZのファイル取り込み時日本語変換の対応(AOYAGI氏)。
  • QUIZ採点時に全角/半角の区別を行わない設定を追加(AOYAGI氏)。
  • WIKIモジュールの日本語対応(Yoshida氏)。


  • FONTはさざなみフォントを使用しています(http://sourceforge.jp/projects/efont/)。
  • 日本語ライブラリはjcode.phpを用いています(http://www.spencernetwork.org/)。
  • それぞれの著作権表記をTEXTで添付していますので、使用する場合は内容を確認してください。
  • langlib134.lzh をダウンロードし、fonts及びlibディレクトリを、../lang/ja/ 配下に設置してください。「langlib.php」 の有無を判定して日本語化パッチが動作しますので、正確なディレクトリ位置に設置しないと正常に稼動しません。
  • GDの日本語表示は..lang/ja/fonts にある「lang_decode.php」を使用します。これは、Moodleが用意していた拡張機能を利用しています。したがって、以前のgraphlib.phpに対する変更は必要なくなりました。
  • 対象ファイルの改変位置を行番号を元に探り、赤で示されたソースをコピーペーストで挿入してください。
  • localeの設定はJapanese_Japan.20932(Windows系)またはja_JP.EUC(UNIX系) です。

1.0.0 日本語ライブラリ公開
1.0.1 graphlib.phpのjcode.phpの呼び出しが正しく機能していなかったので修正した。
1.1.0 多言語環境を意識し極力日本語特有の名称を無くし、langlib.phpを追加した。
1.1.1 mbstringが使用できる場合、使用するように分岐制にした。
1.1.2 EUC環境に限定しないよう、langlib.php内にて現コードを指定できるようにした。
1.1.3 メール送信者の日本語表記に対応した。メール送信時のコード変換を修正した。
1.1.4 ヘッダの自前MIMEエンコを行うようにした。送信者、受信者、CC、BCCの日本語対応を行った。
1.1.5 レッスン/クイズのファイル取り込み時の日本語対応を行った。その他細かい修正をした。
1.2.0 採点時の全角/半角の区別をなくすオプションを用意した。langlib.phpの大幅改定。
1.2.1 langlib.phpの小改定。setup.phpの修正追加。ソースの見直しと簡略化。
1.2.2 setup.phpへのライブラリ挿入位置の修正。その他小変更。
1.2.3 langlib.phpの更新。処理をlanglib内にまとめ、ソースの変更を極力少なくした。
1.3.0 TEXT/EXCELの日本語表示を改変。ダウンロードユーザの環境に自動的に調整するようにした。
1.3.1 TEXT/EXCELの日本語ファイル名に対応。
1.3.2 GDによる日本語表示において拡張用に用意されていたMoodleの仕様を利用した。
1.3.3 WIKIモジュールの日本語表示暫定対応(モジュールを添付[version 1.4.x 138]のものに入れ替えてください)。
1.3.4 langlib.phpの修正。MAILの文字化け対策に不足がありましたので修正しました。

日付 2004/10/20
バージョン 1.3.4
作者 Takahito Kashiwagi
履歴 2004/9/1 初版作成

moodle\lib\setup.php の 86行〜 101行付近

※以下の変更を、ver. 1.2.1にて行った方は、青い部分を削除してください。

            $CFG[$config->name] = $config->value;
        $CFG = (object)$CFG;

/// Load up Language Library

    $currlang = current_language();
    if (file_exists("$CFG->dirroot/lang/$currlang/lib/langlib.php")) {
        require_once("$CFG->dirroot/lang/$currlang/lib/langlib.php"); // Language Library

/// Set error reporting back to normal
    if (empty($CFG->debug)) {
        $CFG->debug = 7;

/// File permissions on created directories in the $CFG->dataroot

moodle\lib\setup.php の 249行〜 275行付近


    if (!empty($CFG->opentogoogle)) {
        if (empty($_SESSION['USER'])) {
            if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
                if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'Googlebot') !== false ) {
                    $USER = guest_user();
                if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'google.com') !== false ) {
                    $USER = guest_user();
            if (empty($_SESSION['USER']) and !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) {
                if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], 'google') !== false ) {
                    $USER = guest_user();
/// Load up Language Library
    $currlang = current_language();
    if (file_exists("$CFG->dirroot/lang/$currlang/lib/langlib.php")) {
        require_once("$CFG->dirroot/lang/$currlang/lib/langlib.php"); // Language Library

moodle\lib\graphlib.php の 197行〜 212行付近


  $this->calculated['boundary_box']['right']  -= $this->parameter['outer_padding'];
  $this->calculated['boundary_box']['bottom'] -= $this->parameter['outer_padding'];


  if (function_exists('use_lang_lib') && use_lang_lib()) {

  //  take into account tick lengths
  $this->calculated['bottom_inner_padding'] = $this->parameter['inner_padding'];
  if (($this->parameter['x_ticks_colour'] != 'none') && ($this->parameter['tick_length'] < 0))
    $this->calculated['bottom_inner_padding'] -= $this->parameter['tick_length'];
  $this->calculated['boundary_box']['bottom'] -= $this->calculated['bottom_inner_padding'];

  $this->calculated['left_inner_padding'] = $this->parameter['inner_padding'];
  if ($this->parameter['y_axis_text_left']) {

moodle\lib\moodlelib.php の 1549行〜 1564行付近

            $mail->AddStringAttachment("Error in attachment.  User attempted to attach a filename with a unsafe name.", "error.txt", "8bit", "text/plain");
        } else {
            $mimetype = mimeinfo("type", $attachname);
            $mail->AddAttachment("$CFG->dataroot/$attachment", "$attachname", "base64", "$mimetype");

    if (function_exists('use_lang_lib') && use_lang_lib()) {

    if ($mail->Send()) {
        return true;
    } else {
        mtrace("ERROR: $mail->ErrorInfo");
        add_to_log(SITEID, "library", "mailer", $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], "ERROR: $mail->ErrorInfo");
        return false;

moodle\lib\moodlelib.php の 2651行〜 2666行付近

    } else if (!empty($SESSION->lang) and ($SESSION->lang != $CFG->lang) ) {
        $CFG->locale = get_string('locale');
    } else if (!empty($USER->lang) and ($USER->lang != $CFG->lang) ) {
        $CFG->locale = get_string('locale');
    } else if (empty($CFG->locale)) {
        $CFG->locale = get_string('locale');
        set_config('locale', $CFG->locale);   // cache it to save lookups in future

    $currlang = current_language();
    if ($currlang != 'en') {
        setlocale (LC_ALL, $CFG->locale);

    setlocale (LC_TIME, $CFG->locale);
    setlocale (LC_COLLATE, $CFG->locale);

    if ($CFG->locale != 'tr_TR') {            // To workaround a well-known PHP bug with Turkish
        setlocale (LC_CTYPE, $CFG->locale);

moodle\lib\excel\Worksheet.php の 1035行〜 1050行付近

    * @access public
    * @param integer $row    Zero indexed row
    * @param integer $col    Zero indexed column
    * @param string  $str    The string to write
    * @param mixed   $format The XF format for the cell
    function write_string($row, $col, $str, $format = 0)
        if (function_exists('use_lang_lib') && use_lang_lib() && define_usr_agent()) {
           $str = ex_convert_encoding($str, 'shift_jis', 'auto');

        $strlen    = strlen($str);
        $record    = 0x0204;                   // Record identifier
        $length    = 0x0008 + $strlen;         // Bytes to follow
        $xf        = $this->_XF($format);      // The cell format

        $str_error = 0;

        // Check that row and col are valid and store max and min values

moodle\mod\lesson\format.php の 146行〜 161行付近

    function readdata($filename) {
    /// Returns complete file with an array, one item per line

        if (is_readable($filename)) {
            $filearray = file($filename);

            if (function_exists('use_lang_lib') && use_lang_lib()) {
                $lang_code = rtn_lang_code();
                foreach ($filearray as $i => $temp_array) {
                    $filearray[$i] = ex_convert_encoding($temp_array, $lang_code, "auto");

            /// Check for Macintosh OS line returns (ie file on one line), and fix
            if (ereg("\r", $filearray[0]) AND !ereg("\n", $filearray[0])) {
                return explode("\r", $filearray[0]);
            } else {
                return $filearray;
        return false;

moodle\mod\quiz\format.php の 78行〜 93行付近

    function readdata($filename) {
    /// Returns complete file with an array, one item per line

        if (is_readable($filename)) {
            $filearray = file($filename);

            if (function_exists('use_lang_lib') && use_lang_lib()) {
                $lang_code = rtn_lang_code();
                foreach ($filearray as $i => $temp_array) {
                    $filearray[$i] = ex_convert_encoding($temp_array, $lang_code, "auto");

            /// Check for Macintosh OS line returns (ie file on one line), and fix
            if (ereg("\r", $filearray[0]) AND !ereg("\n", $filearray[0])) {
                return explode("\r", $filearray[0]);
            } else {
                return $filearray;
        return false;

moodle\mod\quiz\questiontypes\numerical\questiontype.php の 147行〜 162行付近

    function grade_response($question, $nameprefix, $addedanswercondition='') {

        $result->answers = array();
        $units = get_records('quiz_numerical_units',
                             'question', $question->id);
        if (isset($question->response[$nameprefix])) {
            $response = trim(stripslashes($question->response[$nameprefix]));

            if (function_exists('use_lang_lib') && use_lang_lib()) {
               $response = normalize_string($response);

            // Arrays with 'wild cards':
            $search = array(' ',',');
            $replace = array('','.');
            $responsenum = str_replace($search, $replace, $response);
            if (empty($units)) {
                if ('' !== $responsenum && is_numeric($responsenum)) {
                    $responsenum = (float)$responsenum;
                } else {

moodle\mod\quiz\questiontypes\shortanswer\questiontype.php の 159行〜 174行付近

                $answer->answer = trim($answer->answer);  // Just in case

                if (empty($result->answers) || $answer->fraction
                        > $result->answers[$nameprefix]->fraction) {

                    if (!$answer->usecase) { // Don't compare case
                        $response0 = strtolower($response0);
                        $answer0 = strtolower($answer->answer);

                        if (function_exists('use_lang_lib') && use_lang_lib()) {
                            $response0 = normalize_string($response0);
                            $answer0 = normalize_string($answer0);

                    } else {
                        $answer0 = $answer->answer;

                    if (strpos(' '.$answer0, '*')) {
                        $answer0 = str_replace('\*','@@@@@@',$answer0);
                        $answer0 = str_replace('*','.*',$answer0);
                        $answer0 = str_replace($search, $replace, $answer0);

moodle\mod\quiz\report\fullstat\report.php の 309行〜 324行付近

    /// If spreadsheet is wanted, produce one
    if ($download == "xls") {
        header("Content-type: application/vnd.ms-excel");
        $downloadfilename = clean_filename("$course->shortname $quiz->name");
        header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$downloadfilename.xls");

        if (function_exists('use_lang_lib') && use_lang_lib()) {
            $set_usr_agent = define_usr_agent();
            if($set_usr_agent) {
                $quiz->name = ex_convert_encoding($quiz->name, 'sjis', 'auto');
                $course->shortname = ex_convert_encoding($course->shortname, 'sjis', 'auto');
            header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$course->shortname ".$quiz->name.".xls");

        header("Expires: 0");
        header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0,pre-check=0");
        header("Pragma: public");
        $workbook = new Workbook("-");
        // Creating the first worksheet
        $myxls = &$workbook->add_worksheet('Responses for each student');

        /// format types

moodle\mod\quiz\report\fullstat\report.php の 566行〜 581行付近


        /// If a text file is wanted, produce one
        if ($download == "txt") {
        /// Print header to force download

        if (function_exists('use_lang_lib') && use_lang_lib()) {
            full_text_out($course, $quiz, $data_tally, $qs_in_order, $question_ids, $qcount, $quests, $match_qs, $analysis, $max_choices, $table_colcount);

        header("Content-Type: application/download\n");
        $downloadfilename = clean_filename("$course->shortname $quiz->name");
        header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"$downloadfilename.txt\"");
        header("Expires: 0");
        header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0,pre-check=0");
        header("Pragma: public");

        /// Print names of all the fields

moodle\mod\quiz\report\simplestat\report.php の 81行〜 96行付近

                $answer->answer = trim($answer->answer);  // Just in case

                if ($answer->fraction >= 1.0) {
                    $correct[] = $answer->answer;
                if (!$answer->usecase) {       // Don't compare case
                    $answer->answer = strtolower($answer->answer);
                    $question->answer = strtolower($question->answer);

                    if (function_exists('use_lang_lib') && use_lang_lib()) {
                        $answer->answer = normalize_string($answer->answer);
                        $question->answer = normalize_string($question->answer);


                $potentialgrade = (float)$answer->fraction * $question->grade;

                if ($potentialgrade >= $grade and (strpos(' '.$answer->answer, '*'))) {
                    $answer->answer = str_replace('\*','@@@@@@',$answer->answer);
                    $answer->answer = str_replace('*','.*',$answer->answer);
                    $answer->answer = str_replace('@@@@@@', '\*',$answer->answer);

moodle\mod\quiz\report\simplestat\report.php の 106行〜 121行付近



        case NUMERICAL:
            if ($question->answer) {
                $question->answer = trim(stripslashes($question->answer[0]));

                if (function_exists('use_lang_lib') && use_lang_lib()) {
                    $question->answer = normalize_string($question->answer);

            } else {
                $question->answer = "";
            $response[0] = $question->answer;
            $bestshortanswer = 0;
            foreach ($answers as $answer) {  // There might be multiple right answers
                if ($answer->fraction > $bestshortanswer) {
                    $correct[$answer->id] = $answer->answer;

moodle\mod\quiz\report\simplestat\report.php の 529行〜 544行付近


    /// If spreadsheet is wanted, produce one
        if ($download == "xls") {
            header("Content-type: application/vnd.ms-excel");
            header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$course->shortname ".$quiz->name.".xls" );

            if (function_exists('use_lang_lib') && use_lang_lib()) {
                $set_usr_agent = define_usr_agent();
                if($set_usr_agent) {
                    $quiz->name = ex_convert_encoding($quiz->name, 'sjis', 'auto');
                    $course->shortname = ex_convert_encoding($course->shortname, 'sjis', 'auto');
                header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$course->shortname ".$quiz->name.".xls");

            header("Expires: 0");
            header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0,pre-check=0");
            header("Pragma: public");

            $workbook = new Workbook("-");
            // Creating the first worksheet
            $myxls = &$workbook->add_worksheet('Simple Quiz Statistics');

moodle\mod\quiz\report\simplestat\report.php の 586行〜 601行付近


    /// If a text file is wanted, produce one
        if ($download == "txt") {
        /// Print header to force download

            if (function_exists('use_lang_lib') && use_lang_lib()) {
                simple_text_out($count, $course, $quiz, $data, $average);

            header("Content-Type: application/download\n");
            header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$course->shortname ".$quiz->name.".txt");
            header("Expires: 0");
            header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0,pre-check=0");
            header("Pragma: public");

        /// Print names of all the fields

/*  Language Library for Japanese
      by Takahito Kashiwagi (webmaster@supertak.com)
    jcode.php / jcode_wrapper.php
      by TOMO (http://www.spencernetwork.org/)
      by eFont (http://sourceforge.jp/projects/efont/) */
// Current Language Code
// define current language type such as 'iso-2022-jp', 'sjis', 'euc-jp', or 'utf-8'.
$lang_code = 'euc-jp';
// Switch to use Language Library
// 1: ON / 0: OFF
$uselibrary = '1';
// Switch to compare Zenkaku and Hankaku
// 1: ON / 0: OFF
$zentohans = '1';
// Functions
function use_lang_lib()
	global $uselibrary;
	return $uselibrary;
function rtn_lang_code()
	global $lang_code;
	$lang_code = strtolower($lang_code);
	return $lang_code;
function normalize_string($string1)
	global $zentohans;
	if($zentohans) {
		require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/jcode.php';
		$lang_code1 = rtn_lang_code();
		if (extension_loaded('mbstring')) {
			$string1 = mb_convert_kana($string1, "KVas", $lang_code1);
		} else {
			$lang_code2 = _check_encoding($lang_code1);
			$string2 = ' ';
			$string3 = ' ';
			if($lang_code2 != 1){
				$string2 = JcodeConvert($string2, 1, $lang_code2);
				$string3 = JcodeConvert($string3, 1, $lang_code2);
			$string1 = HANtoZEN($string1, $lang_code2);
			$string1 = ZENtoHAN($string1, $lang_code2, 0, 1);
			$string1 = jstr_replace($string2, $string3, $string1);
	return $string1;
function ex_convert_encoding($string1, $string2, $string3)
	if ($string3 == '') {
		$string3 = rtn_lang_code();
	if (extension_loaded('mbstring')) {
		$lang_conv = 'mb_convert_encoding';
	} else {
		$lang_conv = 'lang_convert_encoding';
	$string1  = $lang_conv($string1, $string2, $string3);
	return $string1;
function mm_convert_encoding($string1, $string2)
	if ($string2 == '') {
		$string2 = rtn_lang_code();
	$string1 = ex_convert_encoding($string1, 'iso-2022-jp', $string2);
	$string1 = "=?ISO-2022-JP?B?".base64_encode($string1)."?=";
	return $string1;
function email_encoding(&$mail)
	$mail->FromName = mm_convert_encoding($mail->FromName, 'auto');
	$mail->Subject  = mm_convert_encoding($mail->Subject, 'auto');
	$mail->Body     = ex_convert_encoding($mail->Body, 'iso-2022-jp', 'auto');
	$mail->CharSet  = 'ISO-2022-JP';
	$mail->Encoding = '7bit';
	foreach ($mail->to as $i => $temp_mail) {
		$mail->to[$i][1] = mm_convert_encoding($temp_mail[1], 'auto');
	foreach ($mail->cc as $i => $temp_mail) {
		$mail->cc[$i][1] = mm_convert_encoding($temp_mail[1], 'auto');
	foreach ($mail->bcc as $i => $temp_mail) {
		$mail->bcc[$i][1] = mm_convert_encoding($temp_mail[1], 'auto');
function lang_convert_encoding($str, $to, $from = '')
	require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/jcode.php';
	$jc_to   = _check_encoding($to);
	$jc_from = _check_encoding($from);
	if ($jc_from == 0) {
		$jc_from = AutoDetect($str);
	if ($jc_to == 4) {
		global $table_jis_utf8;
		include_once dirname(__FILE__).'/code_table.jis2ucs';
	if ($jc_from == 4) {
		global $table_utf8_jis;
		include_once dirname(__FILE__).'/code_table.ucs2jis';
	return JcodeConvert($str, $jc_from, $jc_to);
function _check_encoding($str_encoding)
	switch (strtolower($str_encoding)) {
		case 'e':
		case 'euc':
		case 'euc-jp':
			$jc_encoding = 1;
		case 's':
		case 'sjis':
		case 'shift_jis':
			$jc_encoding = 2;
		case 'j':
		case 'jis':
		case 'iso-2022-jp':
			$jc_encoding = 3;
		case 'u':
		case 'utf8':
		case 'utf-8':
			$jc_encoding = 4;
			$jc_encoding = 0;
	return $jc_encoding;
function simple_text_out($count, $course, $quiz, $data, $average)
	$set_usr_agent = define_usr_agent();
	if ($set_usr_agent == 1) {
		$set_return = "\r\n";
	} elseif ($set_usr_agent == 2) {
		$set_return = "\r";
	} else {
		$set_return = "\n";
	header("Content-Type: application/download\n");
	if($set_usr_agent) {
		$quiz->name = ex_convert_encoding($quiz->name, 'sjis', 'auto');
		$course->shortname = ex_convert_encoding($course->shortname, 'sjis', 'auto');
	header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$course->shortname ".$quiz->name.".txt");
	header("Expires: 0");
	header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0,pre-check=0");
	header("Pragma: public");
	/// Print names of all the fields
	echo "$quiz->name";
	for ($i=1; $i<=$count; $i++) {
		echo "\t$i";
	echo "$set_return";
	/// Print all the user data
	foreach ($data as $userid => $datum) {
		if($set_usr_agent) {
			$temp_dataum = ex_convert_encoding(fullname($datum), 'sjis', 'auto');
		} else {
			$temp_dataum = fullname($datum);
		echo $temp_dataum;
		for ($i=1; $i<=$count; $i++) {
			echo "\t";
			if (isset($datum->grades[$i])) {
				if($set_usr_agent) {
					$temp_dataum = ex_convert_encoding($datum->grades[$i], 'sjis', 'auto');
				} else {
					$temp_dataum = $datum->grades[$i];
				echo $temp_dataum;
		echo "$set_return";
	/// Print all the averages
	echo "\t";
	for ($i=1; $i<=$count; $i++) {
		echo "\t".$average[$i];
	echo "$set_return";
	/// Print all the averages as percentages
	echo "\t%";
	for ($i=1; $i<=$count; $i++) {
		$percent = format_float($average[$i] * 100);
		echo "\t$percent";
	echo "$set_return";
function full_text_out($course, $quiz, $data_tally, $qs_in_order, $question_ids, $qcount, $quests, $match_qs, $analysis, $max_choices, $table_colcount)
	$set_usr_agent = define_usr_agent();
	if ($set_usr_agent == 1) {
		$set_return = "\r\n";
	} elseif ($set_usr_agent == 2) {
		$set_return = "\r";
	} else {
		$set_return = "\n";
	header("Content-Type: application/download\n");
	if($set_usr_agent) {
		$quiz->name = ex_convert_encoding($quiz->name, 'sjis', 'auto');
		$course->shortname = ex_convert_encoding($course->shortname, 'sjis', 'auto');
	header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$course->shortname ".$quiz->name.".txt");
	header("Expires: 0");
	header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0,pre-check=0");
	header("Pragma: public");
	/// Print names of all the fields
	echo "$quiz->name";
	echo "$set_return";
	/// Print all the user data
	$colcount = count($question_ids);
	foreach ($data_tally as $thisuserno=>$thisuser){
		foreach($thisuser as $thisattemptno=>$thisattempt){
			foreach($thisattempt as $thisitemkey=>$thisitem) {
				if ($thisitem['score'] < 1) {$mark = "";} else {$mark = "*";}
				//First two items are name & grade
				if ($thisitemkey < 2){
					if($set_usr_agent) {
						$temp_dataum = ex_convert_encoding($thisitem, 'sjis', 'auto');
					} else {
						$temp_dataum = $thisitem;
					echo $temp_dataum . "\t";
				} elseif ($thisitemkey['qtype'] == 2){
					if($set_usr_agent) {
						$temp_dataum = ex_convert_encoding($thisitem['data']['answer'], 'sjis', 'auto');
					} else {
						$temp_dataum = $thisitem['data']['answer'];
					echo $temp_dataum . "\t";
				} elseif ($thisitem['qtype'] == 5) {
					if ($thisitem['score'] == 1) {$mark = "*";} else {$mark="";}
					if(!$thisitem['data'][1]){$thisitem['data'][1]="(No Response)";}
					if($set_usr_agent) {
						$temp_dataum_1 = ex_convert_encoding($thisitem['data'][0], 'sjis', 'auto');
						$temp_dataum_2 = ex_convert_encoding($thisitem['data'][1], 'sjis', 'auto');
					} else {
						$temp_dataum_1 = $thisitem['data'][0];
						$temp_dataum_2 = $thisitem['data'][1];
					echo "{$temp_dataum_1} -- $mark{$temp_dataum_2}\t";
				} else {
					if($set_usr_agent) {
						$temp_dataum = ex_convert_encoding($thisitem['data'], 'sjis', 'auto');
					} else {
						$temp_dataum = $thisitem['data'];
					echo "$mark{$temp_dataum}\t";
		echo " $set_return";
	echo " $set_return";
	echo "* Asterisk indicates correct response";
	echo " $set_return";
	//Question numbers
	for  ($i = 1;$i <= $colcount;$i++) {
		echo  "Q-$i\t";
	echo " $set_return";
	//Q numbers
	foreach($qs_in_order as $qid){
			if($quests[$qid]['qtype'] == 5) {
				$i = 0;
				foreach ($match_qs[$qid] as $nowq){
				echo  "Q-$qcount M-$i\t";
		} else {
			echo  "Q-$qcount\t";
	echo  " $set_return";
	//Repeat for q answers
	foreach($qs_in_order as $qid){
		if($quests[$qid]['qtype'] == 5) {
			foreach ($match_qs[$qid] as $nowq){
				if($set_usr_agent) {
					$temp_dataum = ex_convert_encoding($nowq, 'sjis', 'auto');
				} else {
					$temp_dataum = $nowq;
				echo $temp_dataum. "\t";
		} else {
			echo  "\t";
	echo  " $set_return";
	for ($i = 1; $i<= $max_choices;$i++){
		echo  "M/C #$i\t";
		//display answer tallies
		for ($j = 1; $j <= $table_colcount; $j++){
			//substitute "<br>" for a "//"
			$nowdata = $analysis[$i][$j];
			if (strpos($nowdata,"//")>0) {
				$nowdata = str_replace("//"," : ",$nowdata);
			if($set_usr_agent) {
				$temp_dataum = ex_convert_encoding($nowdata, 'sjis', 'auto');
			} else {
				$temp_dataum = $nowdata;
			echo $nowdata . "\t";
		echo  " $set_return";
function define_usr_agent()
	$usr_agent_data = getenv('HTTP_USER_AGENT');
	if (preg_match('/WIN/i', $usr_agent_data)) {
		$set_usr_agent = 1;
	} elseif (preg_match('/MAC/i', $usr_agent_data)) {
		$set_usr_agent = 2;
	} else {
		$set_usr_agent = 0;
	return $set_usr_agent;
/*  Language Library for Japanese
      by Takahito Kashiwagi (webmaster@supertak.com)
    jcode.php / jcode_wrapper.php
      by TOMO (http://www.spencernetwork.org/)
      by eFont (http://sourceforge.jp/projects/efont/) */
// Switch to use Language Library
// 1: ON / 0: OFF
$uselibrary = '1';
// Functions
function lang_decode($string1)
	global $uselibrary;
	if(!$uselibrary) {return $string1;}
	$string2 = 'utf-8';
	$string3 = 'auto';
	if (extension_loaded('mbstring')) {
		$lang_conv = 'mb_convert_encoding';
	} else {
		$lang_conv = 'lang_convert_encoding';
	$string1  = $lang_conv($string1, $string2, $string3);
	return $string1;


Diff to HTML translator 1.0