'it\\\'s' OR "it\\'s") $string['copytoclipboard'] = 'Copy to Clipboard'; $string['copiedtoclipboard'] = 'The contents of this page have been copied to the clipboard'; // lib.php $string['noactivity'] = 'No activity'; $string['inprogress'] = 'in progress'; $string['abandoned'] = 'abandoned'; $string['correct'] = 'Correct'; $string['ignored'] = 'Ignored'; $string['wrong'] = 'Wrong'; $string['score'] = 'Score'; $string['weighting'] = 'Weighting'; $string['hints'] = 'Hints'; $string['clues'] = 'Clues'; $string['checks'] = 'Checks'; $string['penalties'] = 'Penalties'; // report.php $string['deletedattempts'] = '$a attempts were deleted'; $string['deletedresponses'] = '$a responses were deleted'; $string['selectattempt'] = 'Please select an attempt'; $string['thiscourse'] = 'this course'; $string['allmycourses'] = 'all my courses'; $string['bestattempt'] = 'best attempt'; $string['allattempts'] = 'all attempts'; // report/*/report.php $string['average'] = 'Average'; $string['questionshort'] = 'Q-$a'; // report/overview/report.php $string['deleteabandoned'] = 'Delete abandoned'; $string['deleteabandonedcheck'] = 'Do you really want to delete all $a abandoned attempts?'; // review.php $string['noresponses'] = 'No information about individual questions and responses was found.'; ?>