prefix}blocks ( id SERIAL8 PRIMARY KEY, name varchar(40) NOT NULL default '', version INT8 NOT NULL default '0', cron INT8 NOT NULL default '0', lastcron INT8 NOT NULL default '0', visible int NOT NULL default '1' ) ") ; } if ($oldversion < 2004101900 && $result) { $result = execute_sql("CREATE TABLE {$CFG->prefix}block ( id SERIAL8 PRIMARY KEY, name varchar(40) NOT NULL default '', version INT8 NOT NULL default '0', cron INT8 NOT NULL default '0', lastcron INT8 NOT NULL default '0', visible int NOT NULL default '1', multiple int NOT NULL default '0' ) "); if(!$result) { return false; } $records = get_records('blocks'); if(!empty($records)) { foreach($records as $block) { $block->multiple = 0; insert_record('block', $block, false); } execute_sql("SELECT setval('{$CFG->prefix}block_id_seq', (SELECT MAX(id) FROM {$CFG->prefix}block), true)"); } execute_sql("DROP TABLE {$CFG->prefix}blocks"); $result = execute_sql("CREATE TABLE {$CFG->prefix}block_instance ( id SERIAL8 PRIMARY KEY, blockid INT8 not null default '0', pageid INT8 not null default '0', pagetype varchar(12) not null default '', position char not null check (position in ('l', 'r')) , weight int not null default '0', visible int not null default '0', configdata text not null default '' )"); if(!$result) { return false; } $records = get_records('course', '','','', 'id, shortname, blockinfo'); if(!empty($records)) { foreach($records as $thiscourse) { // The @ suppresses a notice emitted if there is no : in the string @list($left, $right) = split(':', $thiscourse->blockinfo); if(!empty($left)) { $arr = explode(',', $left); foreach($arr as $weight => $blk) { $instance = new stdClass; $instance->blockid = abs($blk); $instance->pageid = $thiscourse->id; $instance->pagetype = PAGE_COURSE_VIEW; $instance->position = BLOCK_POS_LEFT; $instance->weight = $weight; $instance->visible = ($blk > 0) ? 1 : 0; $instance->configdata = ''; insert_record('block_instance', $instance, false); } } if(!empty($right)) { $arr = explode(',', $right); foreach($arr as $weight => $blk) { $instance = new stdClass; $instance->blockid = abs($blk); $instance->pageid = $thiscourse->id; $instance->pagetype = PAGE_COURSE_VIEW; $instance->position = BLOCK_POS_RIGHT; $instance->weight = $weight; $instance->visible = ($blk > 0) ? 1 : 0; $instance->configdata = ''; insert_record('block_instance', $instance, false); } } } } execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {$CFG->prefix}course DROP COLUMN blockinfo"); } if ($oldversion < 2004112900 && $result) { $result = $result && table_column('block_instance', 'pagetype', 'pagetype', 'varchar', '20', ''); $result = $result && table_column('block_instance', 'position', 'position', 'varchar', '10', ''); } if ($oldversion < 2005043000 && $result) { $records = get_records('block'); if(!empty($records)) { foreach($records as $block) { if(!block_is_compatible($block->name)) { $block->visible = 0; update_record('block', $block); notify('The '.$block->name.' block has been disabled because it is not compatible with Moodle 1.5 and needs to be updated by a programmer.'); } } } } if ($oldversion < 2005022401 && $result) { // Mass cleanup of bad upgrade scripts execute_sql("CREATE INDEX {$CFG->prefix}block_instance_pageid_idx ON {$CFG->prefix}block_instance (pageid)",false); // this one should be quiet... modify_database('','ALTER TABLE prefix_block_instance ALTER pagetype SET DEFAULT \'\''); modify_database('','ALTER TABLE prefix_block_instance ALTER position SET DEFAULT \'\''); modify_database('','ALTER TABLE prefix_block_instance ALTER pagetype SET NOT NULL'); modify_database('','ALTER TABLE prefix_block_instance ALTER position SET NOT NULL'); } if ($oldversion < 2005022401) { // add an index where we really need it modify_database('','CREATE INDEX prefix_block_instance_pagetype_idx ON prefix_block_instance (pagetype);'); } //Finally, return result return $result; } ?>