libdir/blocklib.php"); require_login(); if (!isadmin()) { error("You need to be an admin user to use this page.", "$CFG->wwwroot/login/index.php"); } //Check site if (!$site = get_site()) { error("Site not found!"); } //Check necessary functions exists. Thanks to backup_required_functions(); //Adjust some php variables to the execution of this script @ini_set("max_execution_time","3000"); raise_memory_limit("128M"); echo "

    $status = true;

    $courses = get_records("course");
    foreach ($courses as $course) {
        echo "Start course ".$course->fullname;
        $preferences = schedule_backup_course_configure($course);
        if ($preferences && $status) {
            $status = schedule_backup_course_execute($preferences);
        if ($status && $preferences) {
            echo "End course ".$course->fullname." OK\n\n";
        } else {
            echo "End course ".$course->fullname." FAIL\n\n";